Full Name: Kyle Valenti

Nickname: Buddha Boy

Age: 18

Marital Status: Single

Job: Student

Personality: Outgoing; athletic; funny; suspicious; caring; protective

Interests: Family; Buddhism; sports; girls

Phobias: Losing family; being locked in a room with Max Evans

Bad Habits: Insensitive; possessive; immature

Buddhism is not a word that is usually associated with star athletes and popular students in High School. But like so much else Kyle likes to defy convention. A talented athlete, the local Sheriffs son excels at most sports but also displays a caring and protective nature towards people that he cares about. He admits that he can be obsessive but maintains that it is only because he cares about people that he can come across as over-bearing. In fact, this obsessive nature led to him being nicknamed a “stalker” by his friends.

Kyle tends to be relatively easy-going but when he dislikes someone, he tends to hold a grudge and can admittedly be petty towards them. Will this be a problem when he is locked up with 9 other people or will his humour and his outgoing nature ensure that he is as popular in the Big Brother house as he is on the outside?