The Roswell Chronicle

When the Going Gets Tough…The Tough Get Kicked Out!

It’s official; Sean DeLuca (21), one of the rebels with out a clue, has been kicked out of Big Brother.

Although there was no real kicking there was some fighting recently. After Sean DeLuca’s birthday party where there was intoxicated teens and brawls it’s no wonder the public voted him out.

The voting was held between two of the house mates- Michael Guerin (18) and Sean DeLuca. Both play a rather large part in the bad boy role in the Big Brother house.

The new member of the house is no where near a bad boy. Local shop owner, Brody Davis (25), is new to the crew of this hit show. Sources say that this new addition will undoubtedly rock the house. So tune in and check it out, or go on line to the big brother site at