The idea for this website came about as both the webmasters were fans (and well okay hooked! ;-D) on the British version of Big Brother. While watching it we began to wonder what would it be like if 10 Roswell characters were placed in the Big Brother house for 64 days, with nowhere to go and being under constant scrutiny with cameras everywhere and being miked at all times.

We got to talking and decided to do this website, but the only way we feel that it could be successful was to make it an interactive site for all fans of the show. We wanted the fans to be able to vote who they wanted out of the house and who they wanted to win Big Brother.

To write for Roswell's Big Brother though we felt we would need to change some things that happened in the show. So while we disregard some aspects we've decided to keep others. This makes Roswell's Big Brother AU, and the setting would be present day, between an alternate season 2 & 3.

Even though we are changing and keeping certain aspects, in the Big Brother house as time goes on the group can form new bonds while breaking others. Nothing is certain. We'll just have to watch and see.

Going into the house, however, these are the aspects we've decided to keep and discard -

